Lesson Plans

K-2 Thumbnails (3)
Lesson Plan
Students apply previous learning to design a solution for a hot playground with a partner.

Inquire: Students view images of playgrounds and recall previous learning.
Investigate: Students learn about the characteristics and strategies they can use to make decisions with a partner.
Inspire: Students design and build a model of a playground.
Grade k-2
Subject Science,Social Studies,English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (2)
Lesson Plan
Students determine what makes a good hat for protecting people from the hot sun and apply their new understanding to create their own hat.

Inquire: Students identify that people all over the world wear hats for protection.
Investigate: Students classify the properties of hats for different climates and weather.
Inspire: Students apply their understanding of how materials are affected by heat by creating a hot day hat.
Grade k-2
Subject Science,Social Studies
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (1)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students learn that even though the Earth is getting hotter, there are ways they can stay cool on the playground.

Inquire: Students discuss why it's important for children to go outside for recess and what they do if they are hot on the playground.
Investigate: Students collect and sort pictures after going on a hot and cool scavenger hunt in their school’s playground.
Inspire: Students create a map to show places to stay cool on the playground if they are too hot.
Grade k-2
Subject Social Studies
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (5)
Lesson Plan
Students investigate how storms and rising sea levels have changed New Jersey’s coast.

Inquire: Students examine the impact of coastal storms on lighthouses on the New Jersey shore.
Investigate: Students compare differences in coastline edges due to erosion and sea level rise.
Inspire: Students evaluate different strategies to deal with changes in the coastline caused by erosion.
Grade 3-5
Subject Social Studies
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (46)
Lesson Plan
Students explore the role of lighthouses over time and create a lighthouse design to represent their identity.

Inquire: Students compare the functional importance of lighthouses to a community both in the past and in the present.
Investigate: Students construct a historic timeline of New Jersey lighthouses.
Inspire: Students create a unique lighthouse design to represent themselves.
Grade 3-5
Subject Social Studies
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (6)
Lesson Plan
Students learn about lighthouse keepers, discuss a photo documentation project, and create their own.

Inquire: Students read about Katie Walker, a lighthouse keeper from the 1800s, to learn about the importance of documenting one’s local environment.
Investigate: Students explore a climate change photo documentation project and reflect on how documentation can preserve history.
Inspire: Students design their own photo montage to record the history of their class or school.
Grade 3-5
Subject Social Studies
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (5)
Lesson Plan
Students discuss animals and their habitats in New Jersey and create animal sculptures.

Inquire: Students identify animals living in New Jersey and the kind of habitats they live in.
Investigate: Students choose an animal that lives in New Jersey and create a sculpture of it.
Inspire: Students discuss solutions to save the animals in New Jersey.
Grade k-2
Subject Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (6)
Lesson Plan
Students look at different habitats, create a diorama, and write an artistic reflection.

Inquire: Students identify different habitats of New Jersey.
Investigate: Students look at images of habitats to help them determine what features to include in their 3D model.
Inspire: Students reflect on how the animals in their habitat might be affected by the changing climate.
Grade k-2
Subject Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (7)
Lesson Plan
Students will learn about climate change problems and solutions, create a comic strip, and reflect on what they can do to make a difference.

Inquire: Students play a game that highlights climate change problems and solutions.
Investigate: Students create a mixed media comic strip about a New Jersey animal, their habitat, and climate change.
Inspire: Students reflect on the process of making a comic strip and share how they feel about making a difference.
Grade k-2
Subject Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (8)
Lesson Plan
Students explore weather through observation, dance, and music, creatively expressing interpretations while discovering cultural depictions of weather in art.

Inquire: Students look at local weather patterns and observe how weather impacts their community.
Investigate: Students learn about the connection between dance and weather.
Inspire: Students use dance and movement to creatively express interpretations of weather.
Grade k-2
Subject Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails-2
Lesson Plan
Students study weather and how to prepare for it using performances to foster creativity and teamwork.

Inquire: Students review what they have learned about extreme weather.
Investigate: Students play a game online to help them understand the importance of being prepared for different types of weather.
Inspire: Students work in small collaborative teams to create a weather-related skit that depicts a weather event.
Grade k-2
Subject Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (9)
Lesson Plan
Students learn about extreme weather and the sounds associated with it and create a weather instrument.

Inquire: Students look at extreme weather patterns and share how weather impacts their community.
Investigate: Students learn different kinds of extreme weather and pick one to draw.
Inspire: Students use art and imagination to create weather instruments mimicking a specific kind of weather.
Grade k-2
Subject Visual and Performing Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (7)
Lesson Plan
Students explore animal adaptation and literary genres through a silly book of fiction, then write their own stories.

Inquire: Students make predictions about a fictional book in which wooly mammoths try to adapt to a change in climate.
Investigate: Students listen to the story, identify the genre, order the story sequence, and discuss the plot.
Inspire: Using story sequence, students write their own fictional story about animals adapting to changes in climate.
Grade 3-5
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (8)
Lesson Plan
Students read nonfiction texts about animals and climate and then compare them with a fiction book on the same topic.

Inquire: As a class, students listen to a nonfiction book about animal adaptation and climate and discuss the features of informational texts.
Investigate: Students independently read a different nonfiction book about animal adaptation and climate, take notes, and compare the information.
Inspire: Students create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast a nonfiction book and a fiction book about animal adaptation and climate.
Grade 3-5
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (9)
Lesson Plan
Students learn about Jane Goodall, research other environmental leaders, and identify ways to make a difference.

Inquire: Students identify characteristics of biographies and preview a biography about Jane Goodall.
Investigate: Students read a biography about Jane Goodall, watch a video, and discuss Dr. Jane’s views about the environment, climate change, and hope.
Inspire: Students research other environmental leaders, share their findings, and choose an activity to show ways to make a difference.
Grade 3-5
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails -3
Lesson Plan
Students learn about the importance of Big Trees and use mathematical operations to identify Big Trees.

Inquire: Students learn about and discuss the importance of trees.
Investigate: Students use multi-digit subtraction to find the range in the size of Big Trees for their county.
Inspire: Students determine mathematical criteria for what makes a Big Tree.
Grade 3-5
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails -6
Lesson Plan
Students use a hands-on approach to determine if the trees in their schoolyard are Big Trees.

Inquire: Students develop a procedure to determine if the trees in their schoolyard would be eligible for inclusion in the NJ Forest Service “Big and Heritage Tree” database.
Investigate: Students measure and estimate the size of the trees, then convert those measurements from inches to feet.
Inspire: Students compare, using greater or less than terminology, to identify if any of the trees measured are Big Trees.
Grade 3-5
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (10)
Lesson Plan
Students use the data collected to create visual representations of data sets and compare that data to other data collected in New Jersey.

Inquire: Students practice making a line plot as a class.
Investigate: Students create line plots of the data they collected and the data from the NJ Forestry Big and Heritage Tree databases.
Inspire: Students determine how trees protect their campus from erosion and spread awareness about the importance of these trees.
Grade 3-5
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails
Lesson Plan
Students discuss causes of flooding, investigate types of soil and land, and write about why some places are more likely to flood.

Inquire: Students share what they know about flooding and explore the causes of flooding.
Investigate: Students investigate and discuss landforms and the different types of soil.
Inspire: Students apply what they learned about the causes of flooding to create a picture and write an explanation of why this land area would flood easily.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (1)
Lesson Plan
Students explore their school grounds and learn about the importance of trees and the impact deforestation has on the environment.

Inquire: Students observe trees in their school community and learn why trees are important.
Investigate: Students learn the term deforestation, listen to The Lorax read aloud, and discuss key ideas about trees.
Inspire: Students brainstorm how they can be a spokesperson for the trees or environment, write a response, and draw an accompanying picture.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (1)
Lesson Plan
This lesson explores New Jersey’s state tree’s  adaptations, life cycle, and role in fighting climate change.

Inquire: Students read Joyce Kilmer’s poem, “Trees,” and learn that New Jersey named the red oak the state tree.
Investigate: Students learn about the adaptations and life cycle of the red oak.
Inspire: Students create a triorama (an artistic informative display) about why trees are important and how they impact people and climate.
Grade 3-5
Subject Science
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (11)
Lesson Plan
Students read about wind turbines and role-play the parts of community members to learn about the pros and cons of different perspectives in a community.

Inquire: Students view pictures of wind turbines and share what they know and want to know.
Investigate: Students view a map of wind turbines in New Jersey,  listen to a read aloud, and discuss the pros and cons of wind turbines.
Inspire: Students role-play members of a community to learn key points and perspectives surrounding wind energy.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (13)
Lesson Plan
Students apply math skills to explore the impacts of climate change on the geography of the Jersey Shore.

Inquire: Students watch a video introducing an overview of climate change.
Investigate: Students round decimals and apply multi-digit subtraction to calculate how much the sea level has risen at the Jersey Shore.
Inspire: Students explore a visual representation of the potential sea level rise on different locations at the Jersey Shore.
Grade 3-5
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (16)
Lesson Plan
Students create a timeline of severe storms to draw conclusions about the impacts of climate change.

Inquire: Students collect data from severe storms that have impacted New Jersey.
Investigate: Students represent the frequency of severe storms in New Jersey as an interactive timeline.
Inspire: Students explore sustainable solutions to reduce the impact of coastal erosion caused by severe storms.
Grade 3-5
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (17)
Lesson Plan
Students apply multi-digit arithmetic to calculate the cost of coastal erosion at the Jersey Shore.

Inquire: Students identify the cost of resanding popular beaches at the Jersey Shore.
Investigate: Students add multi-digit numbers to calculate the cost of resanding popular beaches at the Jersey Shore.
Inspire: Students design an infographic to spread awareness of the geographical and financial impact climate change has on the Jersey Shore.
Grade 3-5
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (2)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students discover how the habitat of New Jersey forests have been impacted by human activity.

Inquire: Students practice nature journaling as a way to acknowledge where nature exists around their school. 
Investigate: Students compare and contrast New Jersey forest fragmentation and impervious surfaces from 1986 to 2020, and explore locations in New Jersey using the “Time Machine” simulator to see how the land has changed over time.
Inspire: Students discuss how and why humans impact natural areas, brainstorm restoration ideas, and write a summary of their learning.
Grade 3-5
Subject Social Studies
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (11)
Lesson Plan
Students learn how climate change affects red oaks and the animals that depend on them, and make a plan to plant a tree on their campus.

Inquire: Students listen to a read aloud of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss and share how they feel after hearing the story.
Investigate: Students learn that one impact of climate change in New Jersey is higher temperatures and they discover ways red oaks and other living things may be impacted by warming.
Inspire: Students present their learning from this unit to their PTA/PTO, Board of Education, or other community organization to request support for planting red oaks or other trees on school property.
Grade 3-5
Subject Social Studies
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (13)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students learn how humans and New Jersey animals adapt to extreme weather.

Inquire: Students predict animal and human adaptations to hot weather.
Investigate: Students listen and respond to the text A Cool Summer Tail by Carrie A. Pearson to learn about animal adaptations.
Inspire: Students apply what they learned in the text and write about or draw an animal to show how it stays cool when the weather is hot.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (14)
Lesson Plan
Students learn the importance of preparing for extreme heat with the help of an informational text and write a letter to share their new knowledge with a community member.

Inquire: Students connect patterns of extreme heat to their lives and their behaviors.
Investigate: Students learn about how to prepare for extreme heat while looking for word patterns in the American Red Cross book, Prepare with Pedro: Extreme Heat.
Inspire: Students write to a community member who works outside, explaining preparations for extreme heat using one-syllable words.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts,Health
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (40)
Lesson Plan
Students prepare for a “field trip” to the beach on a hot day through a read aloud, writing, and hands-on activities.

Inquire: Students think about what they should bring to the beach to stay safe in the sun.
Investigate: Students engage in a read aloud of If You Ever Want to Bring a Piano to the Beach, Don’t! by Elise Parsley, and choose what to bring to the beach to be safe from the sun and heat through writing and a hands-on activity.
Inspire: Students write and draw to explain necessary items or physical adaptations for a heat wave.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (19)
Lesson Plan
Students learn about carbon emissions and form an opinion on the best way to reduce carbon emissions related to transportation in their community.

Inquire: Students explore how carbon emissions have changed over time.
Investigate: Students interview a familiar person to see what mode of transportation they use to move around their local area.
Inspire: Students take what they have learned about carbon emissions and transportation and create an opinion piece on the best type of transportation for their community.
Grade 3-5
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (18)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students read and discuss animal adaptations to heat.

Inquire: Students share background knowledge about animal adaptations.
Investigate: Students learn about animal adaptations for extreme heat in an infographic.
Inspire: Students play a game based on the informational text.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (19)
Lesson Plan
In this bilingual Spanish lesson, students use an informational text to learn how to prepare for extreme heat.

Inquire: Students wonder about the effects of extreme heat and share their feelings and experiences.
Investigate: Students learn to prepare for cases of extreme heat through a read-aloud and word study.
Inspire: Students use a combination of writing and drawing to tell how to prepare for extreme heat.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts,Spanish
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (20)
Lesson Plan
In this bilingual Spanish lesson, students will prepare to go on a “field trip” to the beach when it is hot and share their knowledge with their community.

Inquire: Students consider how to prepare for a trip to the beach.
Investigate: Students move through literacy centers to “prepare” for the beach.
Inspire: Students create posters to educate the public about how to prepare for heat.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts,Spanish
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (20)
Lesson Plan
Students use reading comprehension skills to learn about asthma, air pollution, and electric vehicles and analyze data from their interview results.

Inquire: Students analyze a video on how air pollution and asthma rates are related.
Investigate: Students determine the central idea of a text on electric vehicles and support the central idea with details from the text.
Inspire: Students construct a pie chart to show the data from the interviews they conducted.
Grade 3-5
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (22)
Lesson Plan
 In this lesson, students collect wind data, graph data, and analyze their findings.

Inquire: Students discuss their thoughts and feelings about wind.
Investigate: Students collect and interpret data points in weather graphs.
Inspire: Students create a wind sock to collect data about their community’s weather patterns. 
Grade k-2
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (23)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students collect rain data, graph the data, and analyze their findings.

Inquire: Students draw and discuss their thoughts and feelings about their activities on rainy days.
Investigate: Students interpret data points in weather graphs.
Inspire: Students create a rain gauge to collect data about their community’s weather patterns.
Grade k-2
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (21)
Lesson Plan
Students create and present an informational poster on the method of green transportation that they think is best for their community and the environment.

Inquire: Students analyze an informational poster, identifying the central idea and key details.
Investigate: Students create an informational poster on a method of green transportation that showcases the data from the pie charts they created in the previous lesson.
Inspire: Students present their informational poster to an audience.
Grade 3-5
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (24)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students collect temperature data, graph data, and analyze their findings.

Inquire: Students discuss their observations during an experiment with a thermometer.
Investigate: Students interpret data in temperature graphs.
Inspire: Students build a paper thermometer and collect data about their community’s weather patterns.
Grade k-2
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (42)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students learn how to generate equivalent fractions within the context of wind turbine energy.

Inquire: Students consider how creating equivalent fractions can help them determine their energy needs and goals.
Investigate: Students investigate how to make equivalent fractions by watching a video, using existing teaching materials, and guided practice with whole group instruction.
Inspire: Students independently solve fraction equivalent problems with a clean energy and community theme.
Grade 3-5
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (28)
Lesson Plan
Students learn facts about turtles and talk about sea turtles in Mexico and New Jersey.

Inquire: Students watch a video to learn facts about turtles, complete a worksheet, and play vocabulary games.
Investigate: Students sort turtles by habitat, talk about climates in New Jersey and Mexico, and identify sea turtles that live in both places.
Inspire: Students make a turtle finger puppet and use the puppet to share what they learned. 
Grade 3-5
Subject Spanish
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (29)
Lesson Plan
Students learn about the life cycle of the turtle and the dangers they face in a changing climate. 

Inquire: Students compare animals that lay eggs and learn vocabulary to describe sea turtle nests.
Investigate: Students watch a video to learn about the life cycle of sea turtles and discover the dangers that sea turtles face at each stage.
Inspire: Students add what they learned to an infographic about sea turtles and use the infographic to have a conversation with their classmates.
Grade 3-5
Subject Spanish
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (43)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students explore how adding fractions can help people understand how to make mathematical adjustments to account for the growing need for clean energy in their community.

Inquire: Students are introduced to a scenario where the energy needs of the apartment building are changing due to new families moving in.
Investigate: Students learn how to add fractions with unlike denominators and participate in guided practice.
Inspire: Students work independently to solve fraction addition problems with a clean energy and community-building theme.
Grade 3-5
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (44)
Lesson Plan
This lesson explores how subtracting fractions can help residents understand how to make mathematical adjustments for new draws on clean energy sources.

Inquire: Students are introduced to a scenario where the energy needs of the apartment building are changing due to established families moving out and new families moving in.
Investigate: Students investigate subtracting fractions with unlike denominators and engage in guided practice with whole-group instruction.
Inspire: Students independently solve fraction subtraction word problems, and are introduced to the United Nations' commitment to clean energy goals.
Grade 3-5
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (45)
Lesson Plan
Students learn how people in Mexico and New Jersey are helping sea turtles and create an infographic to educate others.

Inquire: Students learn phrases about actions people can take and decide which ones help or harm sea turtles.
Investigate: Students watch a video and complete a “missing information” paired activity to compare and contrast how people help sea turtles in New Jersey and Mexico.
Inspire: Students create an infographic to share with others about ways to help sea turtles.
Grade 3-5
Subject Spanish
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (37)
Lesson Plan
Students use Spanish to learn about renewable energy and climate change and play games with the new vocabulary.

Inquire: Students identify common objects that use electricity in the classroom and at home.
Investigate: Students learn about climate change and renewable energy through images, a video, and comprehension activities.
Inspire: Students play games with new vocabulary about energy sources and climate change.
Grade 3-5
Subject Spanish
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (25)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students find shapes in nature and discuss the seasons before applying their knowledge of both in an art project.
Inquire: Students sort and categorize the characteristics of each season.
Investigate: Students listen to a read aloud of Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn by Kenard Pak to learn about the seasons and identify shapes found in nature.
Inspire: Students make designs to show the characteristics of the seasons using geometric shapes.
Grade k-2
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (26)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students apply knowledge of the four seasons to collect, create, and analyze graphs.
Inquire: Students listen to a read-aloud of Four Seasons Make a Year, by Anne Rockwell to learn about the four seasons.
Investigate: Students interview classmates and gather data about their favorite seasons.
Inspire: Students create a class graph representing data collected from a different peer group. 
Grade k-2
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (27)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students make predictions about, read, graph, and monitor patterns in the sky. 

Inquire: Students model the movements of the Sun and Earth with a partner. 
Investigate: Students listen to read aloud of The Reasons for Seasons by Gail Gibbons and analyze data showing daylight hours across different seasons. 
Inspire: Students create a sundial to monitor the Sun’s movement. 
Grade k-2
Subject Science,Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (38)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students explore types of renewable energy in different regions of the United States.

Inquire: Students view pictures of different locations and describe the renewable energy that would be the best fit. 
Investigate: Students interpret maps that rate the potential for renewable energy in different areas of the United States, including Puerto Rico.
Inspire: Students use a website that shows the types of energy currently being used in their region of the United States and suggest possible alternatives.
Grade 3-5
Subject Spanish
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (40)
Lesson Plan
Students learn how communities in Puerto Rico are solving their energy problems and participate in a role-play activity.

Inquire: Students share what they know about Puerto Rico and learn about the impact of hurricanes on the island.
Investigate: Students watch a video about how Puerto Rico is solving their energy and climate change challenges and complete comprehension activities.
Inspire: Students create and present a poster to advocate for the best type of renewable energy for a specific region of the United States.
Grade 3-5
Subject Spanish
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (29)
Lesson Plan
In this bilingual Spanish lesson, students listen to a book about the Passaic River, discuss what they learned, and start to create their own book.

Inquire: Students share what they know about rivers.
Investigate: Students listen to the first chapter of a read aloud about the Passaic River and discuss their reactions.
Inspire: Students create the first pages of their own book about rivers.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (30)
Lesson Plan
Students listen to a book about the Passaic River, learn about healthy rivers, and create the next pages of their book.

Inquire: Students brainstorm the ways that a river can become unhealthy.
Investigate: Students listen to the second chapter of a read aloud about the Passaic River and discuss their reactions.
Inspire: Students identify activities that might harm a river and create the next section of their take-home book about rivers.
Grade k-2
Subject English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (31)
Lesson Plan
In this bilingual Spanish lesson, students listen to a book about the Passaic River, learn about ways people help rivers, and finish creating their book.

Inquire: Students brainstorm the kinds of problems that could be solved individually, and the kinds of problems that need a team or groups of people to solve.
Investigate: Students listen to the last chapter of a read aloud about the Passaic River and discuss their reactions.
Inspire: Students create the last two pages in their take-home book about rivers, then share their books with each other.
Grade k-2
Subject Social Studies,English Language Arts,Health
Resource Type Lesson Plan

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