Education Specialist
In this lesson, students learn about the impact of household energy use on climate change and compare and contrast strategies to reduce emissions in Chile and the United States.
Step 1 - Inquire: Students share observations and questions about the impact of households on climate change.
Step 2 - Investigate: Students explore the sources and uses of electricity in households in Chile and the United States.
Step 3 - Inspire: Students identify ways to promote household energy efficiency and conduct class surveys about habits.
In this lesson, students play a game about fishing, write a story about what happened, and learn how climate change impacts fish populations.
Step 1 - Inquire: Students describe photos depicting different ways of fishing and discuss their knowledge and experience of fishing.
Step 2 - Investigate: Students play the fish game, a role-play about a fishing community.
Step 3 - Inspire: Students make connections between a news report about climate change and the results of the fish game and create a comic strip to tell the story.
In this lesson, students explore the impact of climate change on small-scale fishing communities and best practices for building resilience.
Step 1 - Inquire: Students interpret infographics, play a game, and share what they know about the impact of climate change on fishing.
Step 2 - Investigate: Students deepen their understanding of sustainable small-scale fishing through a matching exercise and a tic-tac-toe research activity.
Step 3 - Inspire: Students create a mural to educate others about the importance of supporting sustainable, small-scale fishing.
In this lesson, students play a game, participate in communicative activities, and research recipes to explore the role of consumers in supporting climate change resilience in the oceans.
Step 1 - Inquire: Students describe photos and talk about cultural traditions related to eating fish and seafood.
Step 2 - Investigate: Students play an interactive board game to explore the challenges of buying and selling sustainable, climate-resilient fish.
Step 3 - Inspire: Students research and present recipes for a class competition, “La Gran Receta de los Océanos.”
In this lesson, students identify the causes and consequences of climate change, explore the Indigenous cosmovision of El Buen Vivir, and reflect on the values needed to live within the ecological limits of the planet.
Step 1 - Inquire: Students brainstorm what it means to “live well” from different perspectives.
Step 2 - Investigate: Students watch a video, participate in a collaborative activity to explore the causes and consequences of climate change, and reflect on how climate change interferes with living well.
Step 3 - Inspire: Students learn about the Indigenous cosmovision of El Buen Vivir and identify values in their own culture that can help address climate change.
In this lesson, students learn the importance of countering misinformation and begin researching for their article about the climate crisis.
Step 1 - Inquire: Students analyze best practices for climate change journalism and teach each other through a collaborative presentation.
Step 2 - Investigate: Students play a game to practice critical thinking and misinformation debunking skills.
Step 3 - Inspire: Students conduct background research for their climate change article.
In this lesson, students explore the role of journalism in addressing the climate crisis, examine the effective use of language, and write a feature article about climate change.
Step 1 - Inquire: Students evaluate the first sentences from articles about climate change, learn the format of feature articles, and write an outline for their own articles.
Step 2 - Investigate: Students explore the climate journalism best practice of “know the science but talk like a real person” by rewriting scientific jargon into comprehensible language.
Step 3 - Inspire: Students write, peer review, and edit a feature article about the climate crisis.