Lesson Plans

K-2 Thumbnails (3)
Lesson Plan
Students apply previous learning to design a solution for a hot playground with a partner.

Inquire: Students view images of playgrounds and recall previous learning.
Investigate: Students learn about the characteristics and strategies they can use to make decisions with a partner.
Inspire: Students design and build a model of a playground.
Grade k-2
Subject Science,Social Studies,English Language Arts
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (2)
Lesson Plan
Students determine what makes a good hat for protecting people from the hot sun and apply their new understanding to create their own hat.

Inquire: Students identify that people all over the world wear hats for protection.
Investigate: Students classify the properties of hats for different climates and weather.
Inspire: Students apply their understanding of how materials are affected by heat by creating a hot day hat.
Grade k-2
Subject Science,Social Studies
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (1)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students learn that even though the Earth is getting hotter, there are ways they can stay cool on the playground.

Inquire: Students discuss why it's important for children to go outside for recess and what they do if they are hot on the playground.
Investigate: Students collect and sort pictures after going on a hot and cool scavenger hunt in their school’s playground.
Inspire: Students create a map to show places to stay cool on the playground if they are too hot.
Grade k-2
Subject Social Studies
Resource Type Lesson Plan

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