Lesson Plans

3-5 Thumbnails  (13)
Lesson Plan
Students apply math skills to explore the impacts of climate change on the geography of the Jersey Shore.

Inquire: Students watch a video introducing an overview of climate change.
Investigate: Students round decimals and apply multi-digit subtraction to calculate how much the sea level has risen at the Jersey Shore.
Inspire: Students explore a visual representation of the potential sea level rise on different locations at the Jersey Shore.
Grade 3-5
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (16)
Lesson Plan
Students create a timeline of severe storms to draw conclusions about the impacts of climate change.

Inquire: Students collect data from severe storms that have impacted New Jersey.
Investigate: Students represent the frequency of severe storms in New Jersey as an interactive timeline.
Inspire: Students explore sustainable solutions to reduce the impact of coastal erosion caused by severe storms.
Grade 3-5
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

3-5 Thumbnails  (17)
Lesson Plan
Students apply multi-digit arithmetic to calculate the cost of coastal erosion at the Jersey Shore.

Inquire: Students identify the cost of resanding popular beaches at the Jersey Shore.
Investigate: Students add multi-digit numbers to calculate the cost of resanding popular beaches at the Jersey Shore.
Inspire: Students design an infographic to spread awareness of the geographical and financial impact climate change has on the Jersey Shore.
Grade 3-5
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

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