Lesson Plans

K-2 Thumbnails (22)
Lesson Plan
 In this lesson, students collect wind data, graph data, and analyze their findings.

Inquire: Students discuss their thoughts and feelings about wind.
Investigate: Students collect and interpret data points in weather graphs.
Inspire: Students create a wind sock to collect data about their community’s weather patterns. 
Grade k-2
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (23)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students collect rain data, graph the data, and analyze their findings.

Inquire: Students draw and discuss their thoughts and feelings about their activities on rainy days.
Investigate: Students interpret data points in weather graphs.
Inspire: Students create a rain gauge to collect data about their community’s weather patterns.
Grade k-2
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

K-2 Thumbnails (24)
Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students collect temperature data, graph data, and analyze their findings.

Inquire: Students discuss their observations during an experiment with a thermometer.
Investigate: Students interpret data in temperature graphs.
Inspire: Students build a paper thermometer and collect data about their community’s weather patterns.
Grade k-2
Subject Mathematics
Resource Type Lesson Plan

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