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Crash Course


6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th


Science, Social Studies, Earth and Space Sciences, Geography

Resource Type

  • Videos, 11 minutes, 18 seconds, CC, Subtitles

Regional Focus


Where Does Wind Come From?

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  • This video explains major wind systems across the globe and how the rotation and shape of the Earth affect them. 
  • Students will learn how wind patterns form and how they have impacted human activities, from European colonization to modern air travel and wind energy production. 
Teaching Tips


  • It is an accessible introduction to wind formation and major wind systems and uses simple graphics to support student understanding. 
  • It ends with an acknowledgment of the harms caused to Indigenous and Aboriginal peoples, along with a recommendation to learn more by reaching out to local Indigenous groups. 

Additional Prerequisites

  • Students should have an understanding of basic map skills and terminology. 


  • This video includes several diagrams and maps where teachers can pause to check for understanding and reteach when necessary. 
  • There are many topics covered in this video that could be used in a history class, making connections between regional climates, weather patterns, and historical events.
  • Other resources related to this topic include Effect of Atmospheric Circulation on Climate and How Do Oceans Circulate?
Scientist Notes
This resource from Crash Course excellently and accessibly explains where the major wind patterns on the globe come from. This resource is recommended for teaching.
  • Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
    • ESS2: Earth's Systems
      • MS-ESS2-5 Collect data to provide evidence for how the motions and complex interactions of air masses results in changes in weather conditions.
      • MS-ESS2-6 Develop and use a model to describe how unequal heating and rotation of the Earth cause patterns of atmospheric and oceanic circulation that determine regional climates.
  • College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Standards
    • Dimension 2: Geography
      • D2.Geo.8.6-8 Analyze how relationships between humans and environments extend or contract spatial patterns of settlement and movement.
      • D2.Geo.9.9-12 Evaluate the influence of long-term climate variability on human migration and settlement patterns, resource use, and land uses at local-to-global scales.
  • Related Resources


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