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Paige Anderson: Designing Bikeable Cities for a Livable Future

Provided by: Project Drawdown |Published on: September 16, 2022
Videos Grades 9-12, 6-8, ap-college


  • This video features a short interview with an individual who helped to reduce traffic congestion and emissions in Pittsburgh as she worked with the city to design and manage bicycle infrastructure. 
  • Students will learn about the many benefits of bicycle infrastructure and will be encouraged to join campaigns that might build this infrastructure within their own communities. 
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Subjects: Civics, Career Skills
Authors: Project Drawdown
Region: North America, USA - Northeast, United States, Pennsylvania
Languages: English

Teaching Materials

Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
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About the Partner Provider

Project Drawdown
Project Drawdown is a nonprofit organization that seeks to help the world reach “drawdown”—the future point in time when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline. Cities, universities, corporations, philanthropies, policymakers, communities, educators, activists, and more turn to Project Drawdown as they look to advance effective climate action. Project Drawdown resources for educators include the database of Drawdown Solutions, educational video series Climate Solutions 101, the Drawdown Stories initiative, and more. 

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