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Provided by: Hot Mess |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 6-8, 9-12
This video explores the impact of human activity on the water cycle.
Students will learn about topics including the hydrologic cycle, watersheds, water pollution, keystone species, impermeable surfaces, overfishing, and the tragedy of the commons.
It starts off with simpler concepts like the water cycle and water vapor but ends with more complex issues like dead zones and the tragedy of the commons.
It includes successful examples of progress with the Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, and the recovery of Atlantic Cod fisheries.
Additional Prerequisites
Although the video explains basic water science concepts, students should still have an understanding of water vapor and the water cycle.
The video is broken into timestamped chapters, so teachers can skip around depending on the subjects being covered.
Social studies and civics classes could use parts of this video for lessons about how to govern or protect freshwater and ocean ecosystems and resources for the good of all.
The lesson Let's Go Fishing can give students a deeper understanding of the Tragedy of the Commons.