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Big Climate Problems Require Even Bigger Global Solutions

Provided by: Citizens' Climate Education |Published on: May 20, 2021
Podcasts Grades 9-12


  • This podcast is a collection of five interviews with climate activists from around the world, including activists from Nigeria, Germany, South Africa, and Massachusetts.
  • Each activist shares their personal connection to climate change and what they are doing to take action and inspire others.

Related Teaching Resources
Subjects: Social Studies, English Language Arts, Visual and Performing Arts
Authors: Citizens' Climate Education
Region: Africa, Europe, North America, USA - Northeast, United States, Massachusetts
Languages: English

Teaching Materials

Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
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About the Partner Provider

Citizens' Climate Education
Citizens' Climate Education (CCE) is a nonpartisan grassroots advocacy organization that empowers individuals to educate key stakeholders, policymakers, and the general public about effective solutions to climate change. By training and mobilizing a powerful coalition of climate advocates, CCE builds political will for long-lasting climate solutions.

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