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Provided by: Our Changing Climate |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 9-12
This video explains biodiversity, its importance for life on Earth, and how it's being reduced by human activities and climate change, giving specific examples of ecosystem disruptions and decreases in biodiversity in the Colorado Rockies, Hawaii, and Australia.
To address biodiversity loss, the video suggests habitat restoration, habitat preservation, supporting Indigenous communities, and reducing global warming.
This video features great graphic design and does a nice job of explaining biodiversity.
Additional Prerequisites
The video content ends at 7 minutes, 41 seconds. The rest of the video contains a message from the creator.
Science and biology classes could use this as a hook or introduction to the biodiversity of life, genetics, evolution, phylogenetic trees, ecosystems, population dynamics, or biogeochemical cycles.
Social studies classes could use this resource when discussing the rights of Indigenous peoples, the plight of island nations, or in consideration of the idea that nature and other species should also have rights.