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How to Get the Most Out of Your #Trashtag Challenge
Provided by: Greenpeace |Published on: April 27, 2021
Articles/Websites Grades 6-8, 9-12
This article discusses the #Trashtag online movement to clean up trash from the environment.
To take it a step further, this article suggests that you keep track of the types of trash you find and what brands you find most to encourage those companies to change to more sustainable packaging.
This article may encourage students to think critically about what they buy and use on a regular basis and even encourage their families to change their purchasing habits.
It highlights a positive use of social media to achieve something tangible.
Additional Prerequisites
Let students know that they would need to have the proper protective gear if they chose to do this challenge.
Connections can be made with economics classes by discussing the importance of consumer demand when companies are making decisions about what they are going to sell.
Biology and science classes could discuss the differences between different types of trash materials and how long they take to biodegrade, if they do at all.