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Photo by Robert Ruggiero via Unsplash

Database Provider


Parking Reform Network


6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th


Social Studies, Geography

Resource Type

  • Interactive Media

Regional Focus

North America, United States, USA - Northeast, New Jersey

Parking Mandates Map

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  • This map features cities in the United States that have have eliminated or partially eliminated parking mandates. 
  • Parking mandates are laws that require a minimum amount of parking spots for residential and commercial buildings. 
Teaching Tips


  • You can read more about parking reform on their website under "About" > "What Is Parking Reform?" to learn more about the negative effects of parking mandates.
  • The data is downloadable in a CSV format and there is additional information linked below the map.

Additional Prerequisites

  • The mission of the Parking Reform Network is "to educate the public about the impact of parking policy on climate change, equity, housing, and traffic."
  • An abundance of hardscape in cities, including parking lots, creates the urban heat island effect and can alter runoff and groundwater recharge. You can learn more about urban heat islands here.


  • Students can research local laws in cities near them to see if their city has parking mandates or other similar laws.
  • Social studies or civics students can contact their local mayors or city councils to advocate for the elimination of costly parking mandates.
  • You can encourage your students to get to school in more sustainable ways, including walking, biking, school buses, public transit, or carpooling.
Scientist Notes
Parking reform is suitable for a sustainable, smart city. The resource explores cities with parking mandate exemptions and the ratio of land acquired for parking facilities and designs. With increasing urbanization, population density, and traffic volume, this resource is suitable for urban planning and as a guide for environmental sustainability. This is recommended for teaching.
  • College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Standards
    • Dimension 2: Geography
      • D2.Geo.2.6-8 Use maps, satellite images, photographs, and other representations to explain relationships between the locations of places and regions, and changes in their environmental characteristics.
      • D2.Geo.7.6-8 Explain how changes in transportation and communication technology influence the spatial connections among human settlements and affect the diffusion of ideas and cultural practices.
      • D2.Geo.2.9-12 Use maps, satellite images, photographs, and other representations to explain relationships between the locations of places and regions and their political, cultural, and economic dynamics.
      • D2.Geo.8.9-12 Evaluate the impact of economic activities and political decisions on spatial patterns within and among urban, suburban, and rural regions.
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