New Marine Sanctuary Overseen by Indigenous Peoples — A US First

Oct 21, 2024

The US has a new national marine wildlife sanctuary. It has a unique claim to fame. It’s the first to be overseen by Indigenous peoples.

The coastal area will be called the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary. It is on the Pacific coast. It covers 4,500 square miles. The area is home to kelp forests. It supports wildlife like sea otters and whales. Octopuses swim in its waters. Endangered bird species nest along its cliffs. The coast is also home to important cultural sites for the Chumash tribe.

“It’s where we spiritually believe that all people leave this world into the next life,” Violet Sage Walker told NPR. She is the chairperson of the Northern Chumash Tribal Council. “That area will be fully and forever protected. For my father, our ancestors, elders who have passed — I think they would be the most excited about that.”

Chumash tribe members will manage the sanctuary. They have lived there for hundreds of years. They will help decide what human activities to allow. Fishing will still be permitted. Underwater mining and oil drilling will not. Whale hunting will also be forbidden.

The sanctuary is a pilot program. That means it acts as a trial for other sanctuaries. The US is considering more Indigenously-run nature preserves. Tribes in Washington state and Utah may oversee national parks in those areas, too.

Reflect: How do you think having local Indigenous peoples help take care of nature can change the way we protect special places?

Gif of marine life from GIPHY.

Which of the following details best explains the main idea of the Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary's importance? (Common Core RI.5.2; RI.6.2)
a. It stretches across 4,500 square miles of ocean and coastline.
b. It is home to diverse wildlife, including sea otters and whales.
c. It is the first sanctuary to be co-managed with Indigenous peoples who have cared for the land for centuries.
d. It allows some activities, like fishing, while banning others like oil drilling.
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