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Provided by: Council on Foreign Relations |Published on: April 27, 2021
Podcasts Grades 9-12
This podcast episode from the Council on Foreign Relations centers on the controversial topic of solar geoengineering as a means to slow global warming.
Students will learn that solar geoengineering, or the process of using aerosolized chemicals in the atmosphere to reflect sunlight, poses a variety of potential dangers, including the risk of ozone depletion, increased air pollution, reduced crop yields, and changes in precipitation.
The podcast episode also includes a thought-provoking discussion on the geopolitics of solar geoengineering.
The show notes offer a variety of linked articles and videos for students who want to learn more about the topics discussed in the episode.
Because the episode is long, students may benefit from listening to shorter segments.
The first segment (0:00- 3:14) discusses the origins and problems of climate change.
The second segment (3:15- 5:59) explains how solar geoengineering works
The third segment (6:00- 12:15) presents the scientific risks of solar geoengineering.
The fourth segment (12:16- 17:00) explores the geopolitical risks of solar geoengineering.
The fifth segment (17:01-23:45) explains the concern that solar geoengineering could result in people ignoring the root problem of greenhouse gas emissions.
Differentiation & Implementation
Social studies, government, and civics classes could use this resource to discuss the kinds of safeguards that would be necessary in order to safely implement solar geoengineering on a global scale.
Earth science classes could examine the relationship between volcanic eruptions and cooler temperatures on earth.
Ethics classes could debate whether the potential benefits of solar geoengineering outweigh the potential risks.
Advanced students could listen to the podcast episode for homework in preparation for a class discussion the following day.
Other resources on this topic include this video from Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell on geoengineering, this podcast episode about clouds and climate change, and this media literacy activity on geoengineering.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
Resource Type and Format
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CFR Education from the Council on Foreign Relations
CFR Education provides accurate, accessible, authoritative resources that build the knowledge, skills, and perspective high school and higher education students need to understand and engage with today’s most pressing global issues.
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