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Provided by: Maine Department of Energy |Published on: July 17, 2023
Lesson Plans Grades k-2
In this learning module, learners explore the four seasons in Maine, learn about changes in animals and plants throughout the seasons, listen to songs, read digital books, complete interactive activities, and track weather conditions in their area.
There are teacher instructions provided and students will have the chance to demonstrate their learning with a final project.
There are many different crafts and activities for learners to choose from.
Movement breaks are provided for learners to support their physical and mental health as they work through the module.
Additional Prerequisites
Some students, including English language learners, may need the terms temperature, den, hibernate, scarce, migrate, sprout, hike, and predator.
Students will need access to a device and the Internet for some activities.
The video links in the skills practice portion of the module are not actual links that can be clicked.
The summer video song is on YouTube and may contain ads.
In math classes, students can answer questions about their graphs to extend their learning about representing and interpreting data. Students can look at which type of weather occurred the most, the least, how many times, etc.
Students can talk about the importance of the changing seasons to plants and animals, and how change in the climate may affect these plants and animals. They can also talk about why these plants and animals are important to their living.
This module would fit nicely with a unit on animal adaptations. Students can create a log or chart of the adaptations they read about in the four books and also add adaptations from their background knowledge.
Students with advanced reading skills can attempt to read the books themselves with adult guidance, while those who need to can use the read-aloud function in the learning platform.
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