Provided by: Our Changing Climate |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 6-8, 9-12
This video defines environmental tipping points and then discusses the potentially catastrophic dangers of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest and permafrost melting in the Arctic.
It speaks to the catastrophic urgency of the climate crisis without sounding hyperbolic.
It uses metaphors that are easy for students to visualize. For example, the video uses the tabletop game Jenga as a metaphor for one of the Earth's tipping points.
Additional Prerequisites
This video cites capitalism as one of the causes of the climate crisis.
It has an ad at the beginning of the video.
The content of the video ends at 9:56 and the remaining time is a sponsored ad and outro.
Teachers can skip around to relevant material because the video is sectioned into chapters about tipping points, Amazon deforestation, Arctic permafrost melt, and prevention.
Students can do independent research on the other tipping points mentioned in the video that are not discussed in detail.
Students can do independent research on the prevention ideas and movements mentioned in the last chapter including ecosocialism, Indigenous sovereignty, solar punk, and red new deal.