Some resources from federal government sites are currently unavailable; when possible, we’ve provided alternative non-government links to ensure continued data access.
Social studies classes could use this resource to discuss solutions for communities experiencing power outages or in areas without electricity.
A discussion about renewable energy and the use of solar in different parts of the world would be a logical follow-up to this activity.
Have students carry out modifications to the provided design and challenge them to optimize their cookers.
Similar resources to consider include this video about reusing materials to make a solar oven and these resources about "daylighting" homes and buildings and passive home design.
Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
Resource Type and Format
About the Partner Provider
The CLEAN Network is a professionally diverse community of over 630 members committed to improving climate and energy literacy locally, regionally, nationally, and globally in order to enable responsible decisions and actions. The CLEAN Network has been a dynamic group since 2008 and is now led by the CLEAN Leadership Board established in 2016.
Related Teaching Resources
All resources can be used for your educational purposes with proper attribution to the content provider.