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Forests Absorb Twice as Much Carbon as They Emit Each Year

Provided by: Global Forest Watch |Published on: January 17, 2023
Articles/Websites Grades 6-8, 9-12


  • This article describes how the world's forests can act as carbon sources and sinks, depending on their management.
  • Students will learn about forest management practices that affect carbon emissions and the positive impacts of indigenous land rights in resource protection.
  • The article ends with a short video about the technology used to map forest carbon sinks and sources around the world.

Related Teaching Resources
Subjects: Earth and Space Sciences, Geography
Authors: Nancy Harris and David Gibbs, Global Forest Watch
Region: Global
Languages: English

Teaching Materials

Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
Resource Type and Format

About the Partner Provider

Global Forest Watch
Global Forest Watch (GFW) is an online platform that provides data and tools for monitoring forests. By harnessing cutting-edge technology, GFW allows anyone to access near real-time information about where and how forests are changing around the world. GFW is used every day to monitor and manage forests, stop illegal deforestation and fires, call out unsustainable activities, defend land and resources, sustainably source commodities, and conduct research at the forefront of conservation.

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