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Essentials of Environmental Science: Humans and the Environment
Provided by: Hot Mess |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 6-8, 9-12
This video provides an overview of environmental science terms and topics.
It discusses scientific models, environmental ethics, biotic and abiotic systems, ecosystems, biomes, biodiversity, genetic diversity, endangered species, population dynamics, food webs, trophic levels, and how humans affect the environment.
This video would be great to use for defining ecological vocabulary terms.
The video is segmented so that it can be used in smaller segments to cover specific topics.
Additional Prerequisites
There may be ads before and during the video.
The acronym HIPPOC or HIPPCO is introduced towards the end of the video (at 14:58), which could be used as inspiration for an art project or poster project for students to visually display the reasons for species decline and/or reductions in biodiversity.
Students could use this video as a review of material covered in a biology or environmental science class.