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CO2 in the Ice Core Record

Provided by: CLEAN |Published on: April 27, 2021
Videos Grades 6-8, 9-12


  • In this video, geologist Richard Alley visits the National Ice Core Lab to explain how scientists use ancient ice cores to understand the history of climate on Earth.
  • Students will learn how scientists use ice cores to determine how carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have changed over hundreds of thousands of years.

Related Teaching Resources
Subjects: Earth and Space Sciences
Authors: Geoff Haines-Stiles Productions, Earth: The Operators' Manual
Region: Europe, Polar Regions
Languages: English

Teaching Materials

Scientist Notes
Teaching Tips
Resource Type and Format

About the Partner Provider

The CLEAN Network is a professionally diverse community of over 630 members committed to improving climate and energy literacy locally, regionally, nationally, and globally in order to enable responsible decisions and actions. The CLEAN Network has been a dynamic group since 2008 and is now led by the CLEAN Leadership Board established in 2016. 

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